Friday, February 13, 2009

open wide

stainless steel crowns that will last until adult teeth are ready to come in :) and the hole behind the single crown is where the really big gaping hole used to be, you know the abscessed one that probably hurt like crazy. no teeth are better than rotten, painful teeth anyday

good timing because sarah lost her first tooth this week too....

phoebe did great today! she was such a trooper. she has only fussed for a short period this afternoon after we both woke up from a power nap. the dentist called in tylenol with codeine for the weekend, although he said she probably wouldn't need it (fantastic surgeon, but would he take only motrin after 5 extractions, 5 crowns, and 7 fillings....i don't think so... :)
so, hopefully we are settling in for a good night's sleep, or not. we'll see. thank you so very much for your emails and posts and especially your prayers.

sweet dreams from an incredibly precious, tough, toothless little girl, and her blessed mommy. xoxoxoxo, :)


  1. Painfree, that's the way to go and I'm with you, that baby girl deserves a decent painkiller after all that. Hope you all sleep well.

  2. We are so glad to hear all went well. The toothless wonder! She is so precious. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Tell Sarah - good timing! The tooth fairy will be working overtime tonight at the Ranger home.
    Pete and Sunnie Frank

  3. Praise the Lord. hopefully this weekend will be painfree for Phoebe but also for the whole family. (when one suffers all suffer :)
    Love you, Suz

  4. She still looks as cute as a button!!! So glad all went well...I was praying for her and YOU yesterday. That is good Sarah lost a tooth too so Phoebe might think that's neat that she and her big sister both lost teeth at the same time. I hope this helps her so much.
    Kathy :)

  5. I am so glad to hear everything went well. So is the tooth fairy paying up?

  6. So glad it went well! I too wonder how much the tooth fairy pays for this many teeth??? Phoebe is so BEAUTIFUL! Please tell her Wyatt said Happy Valentines Day! Love, Suzanne

  7. So thankful that the procedure was uneventful. An answer to prayer.
    Love you and cont. to pray for you as you establish a new normal at home.
    love, Amy

  8. So how are things going since? Is her mouth sore? She's so cute.

  9. I am so happy that is over for you all. Did the tooth fairy come? How is her English coming? I miss her smile with "Bye" and then a blown kiss. I miss you guys... stay in touch! Keep posting us!!! Love, Tammy Hill

  10. Hey Lady, I keep checking back for more exciting updates :) You must have your hands full. Know that I am praying- Brooke and Nisha

  11. I am so glad that Phoebe's painful teeth are out. How rough for a little one who does not understand. It is wonderful to read your blog and hear the good, the bad, and the ugly of older child adoption. It can be really rough for these little ones which in turn makes it hard for the new families. We have to remember that God will not give us more than we can handle. We know that and we are not whining about adoption but others who have not been there tend to view it as "Why did you adopt and now complain?" I never say anything to people outside the adoption community or to my adoption agency. They do not understand. It is nice to learn we are not alone in this and can find support from fellow parents who have been there. Someday, I will write a book on this. A refreshing, enlightening book. I am so amazed by your strength and courage. It looks like little Phoebe is coming a long just fine. I would be fearful of instant attachment. Really knowing someone takes time and falling in love with them as a person takes time. We are at the 13 month mark of having Rebecca and finally she wants to be good because she wants us to be proud of her. It takes time but better that it is genuine. Take care,

  12. I am all about codeine! Thank God he allowed someone to invent it! :O)
    Girls look great. I showed Sophia, Sarah's missing tooth. She got a HUGE grin and mumbled something about her being next :O)
    Drew has four cavities... two filled, and the other two next week.
    miss ya. love ya
    just sent you an email on Amazing Grace. Also, Bob and I are reading Sacred marriage. EXCELLENT book.

  13. I'm ready for an update!

  14. Oh, poor little punkin! My daughter is headed for the dentist on Thur. and I can see a whole mouthful of cavities. ugh...

    Thank you for your sweet post on my blog. We have used quite a few different agencies--some no longer in business. CCAI, Great Wall, and Harrah's AIM, are some that are still operating. We had good experiences with all of them. The family size limit is not for SN adoptions!! It's only for NSN, but some agencies aren't aware of that.
