Thursday, February 12, 2009

bye bye bad teeth....

good news on the insurance front! after 42,003 phone calls her surgery is approved and she is good to go for early friday morning. another blessing is that the international adoption clinic will draw all the blood they need while she is under.

i will post an update tomorrow afternoon, Lord willing, with how she did. it will look strange to see her minus four front top teeth. but you can see in the picture above, how much damage can be done by eating the wrong foods and never brushing. enamel, although the hardest substance in the body, can't stand a chance against those odds. show your kids if they don't believe you :)

prayers for safety under anesthesia, pain control, and healthy healing would be very much appreciated. thank you sweet friends and bloggy buddies. xoxoxoxo :)


  1. I will always pray for you and Phoebe. How awful for her but how lucky to have parents who will take care of all her needs. She may be hurting now but in the long run, her teeth will be free of pain as they should be. Give her lots of hugs and kisses. I am glad she is settling in. What a sweetheart.

  2. Jan,
    You, Phoebe, and your family are in my prayers! Please let us know how everything goes. I love her hair in the latest postings. I can already see such a difference in how she looks. She still has that Phoebe expression, but it looks healthier. You are such a wonderful mom!!!!! I miss you! Tell Phoebe we love her! I don't know if she will understand, but we do! Let us know how it went with the exchange student. Just think, after this is healed, she will have a whole new outlook on life, because she will not have to deal with the pain on a daily basis.

  3. Jan. We are continuing to pray for you and Phoebe. Given the 'bit' of dental surgery (orthodontia, wisdom teeth out, crowns, root canals & frenectomy) I know just how badly some procedures hurt, and we are especially sensitive when doctors stick foreign objects into our mouths that cause varying degrees of pain. The one good thing to remember is that the mouth is one of the fastest healing areas of our bodies. When it hurts, it hurts, but when the problem is fixed, it heals, very quickly. Both Peg & I have you and Phoebe in our prayers.

  4. We will be praying for you all through the morning. We love you and will look forward to the update.
    Please let us know if there is ANYTHING we can do to help.
    Love, Amy

  5. Phoebe is so blessed to have parents like you that want the best for her and will take action fast. Praise the Lord about the Insurance they can sometimes be very difficult.
    Praying for Phoebe but also for you and Greg.
    Do you think you will be at the next Gems?
    love you, Suz

  6. Oh Jan, I will be praying for sure!! I'm so glad they will be taking her blood while she is, Lucy had such a fit getting hers done! I hope Phoebe bounces back very quickly.


  7. Hey Jan (and family)
    We are thinking about you and Phoebe and praying for a speedy recovery. I hope your friend who was going to stop by was able to communicate some with Phoebe? and let her know what the plan is? Regardless, she is feeling your love.

  8. Wanted you to know that I have been thinking about you guys and praying for Phoebe today. Hope all went good during her surgery today. Hopefully she will finally be able to get rid of all that pain. Let us know how everything went.

