Wednesday, January 21, 2009

in the HOME stretch, Lord willing...

all clean and almost ready to put on a new outfit. but she couldn't wait to put the new shoes on :) it feels very, very good to be packing up. it is like the last year, 4 months is finally coming to a close... and also a beginning.

all the families are ready to get back to America. our land is beautiful and we all miss it badly. i cannot wait for wide open spaces and fresh air. and yes, even the cold :)

the van should be here to pick us up at 8 pm hanoi time, 8 am weds. at home. it will be a long 30-something hours with two kids in tow, and i can't wait! but still prayer is very appreciated.

phoebe is doing considerably better. she had one big melt down a little bit ago, as we started organizing our bags, backpacks, etc. but that was her first one in two days. she has been quite the trooper. i love her sooo much. i know once we are back home new trials will surface. she can be quite rude to people, she just ignores them and walks over to me. and that is perfect from an attachment vantage point. we'll work on social etiquette next month :)

my guess is that the kids her age at the orphanage just ran with reckless abandon. for those of you who have had kids this age, you know exactly how challenging it is. add to that a new mom, a new language, new environment, new everything and it is amazing she is doing this well. she likes me very much which is so incredibly humbling. i know for sure that God put this in her heart. i know you will be patient with her and encourage me to do the same. we are in this for the long haul, not the short term :)

i am grateful that none of us have been sick and we have slept well. i am grateful to greg, ben, sam, and sarah for their support and love from 8,000 miles away. i am grateful for family and friends who have kept us in prayer. i am grateful to martha for coming along. i can't imagine having come this far alone. i am grateful to Jesus for adopting me into His Kingdom.

it will be soo good to get home :)


  1. Jan,
    Have a safe trip. I'll be thinking of you throughout the day and praying for you. -Karen

  2. Praise the Lord! We can't wait to see you! We will both be praying that the flights go well and that there are not delays or cancellations so you get home on time! We will call Greg to find out what time you will be in. We realize that you all will be tired & ready to go home, but Sean and I HAVE to be there to hug you all (and then send you home!) Love you!!! Sean & Britt

  3. So glad to hear that you are coming home and that all is well!!! We'll be praying for safe travels!!

  4. Yeah Jan!! So glad you are on your way home and that everyone is well! Prayers going up for a safe trip home!

  5. she is just so darn cute. I love following along on your journey. Safe travels home!

  6. it is 11:45 am Wednesday morning and to think you are on your way HOME with your family!!!!!!! You are such a blessing to me and through this whole process the courage, strength, patience, & seeking God has given me such an awesome example to follow. Thank you.
    Praying for you and can't wait to see you with your WHOLE family!
    Love you, Suz

  7. Hi Jan

    Continuing to pray for all of you daily especially now for a safe and uneventful travel home. Can't wait to see this little girl we've prayed so hard for and heard so much about!

    Take care

  8. Hi Jan! We saw your family at gymnastics yesterday, and they looked like they are all getting along well, but missing you dearly! Can't wait to see you when you return! We are praying for your safe return!
    Love & Prayers,
    Mary & Molley (Your gymnastics pals)

  9. Jan,
    Have a good trip home! I cannot wait to see how things are going at home. Your daughter is so much like mine. It is so much fun to know we do have experience with children and these will not be able to get away with much because we can out smart them. I will have to share stories of Rebecca that will make you the time it was not funny but looking back, it was. We have had Rebecca one year as of yesterday and to see all the positive changes in her is simply amazing. God does great things is all I can say. He is the reason Rebecca is doing what she is doing. I would be more worried if Phoebe was not acting naughty...that would worry me. The fact that she is just goes to show she is tough and will do well. Good luck and let us know how you are doing.

  10. It was so good to see you come home at the airport yesterday. we have all missed you so much. Phoebe is so cute and seems to be adjusting so well. we love you and look forward to getting to know her better.
    love, amy

  11. Can't wait to know you you four are home and safe.
    Love all,

    ...Sweetpea :)

  12. Jan why did I not know this was your blog?! You were holding out on me! : - )
